Monday, September 12, 2011

Write in the Park Exercise---Purple Mark's Yellow Calisthenic


The Second or Third Thing

The narrow brick-lined way led not to the Mountain Fountain,
but to a Cirque whose liquidity
mirrored the fact that its source
had retreated from sight and gave no credence
to its name.

The carmine skiff sat above the calmly reflected sky
as though its occupants
might soon return to drift downward again.
Yet they were invisible to the film plane
at this juncture.

Maybe they had happened on a road
and they could not come back,
thus leaving the boat bereft of purpose
riparian the ex-boulders strewn
along the weedy edge.

In the Sfumato distance masses of wetness
were snagged upon the upthrusts
of the Metamorphic crusts carved by
the sweep of Air and frozen Water
into this sheltered landscape.

Although the afternoon was brilliant
the possibilities of the approaching murk
were evident and the rubescent craft waited.
When would its motivators advance their
quest for the second or third thing?

---PurpleMark 09/10/11

Prompts: A cobbled Alley, The Portage Bay Glacier and a photograph of a red canoe on the beach at a mountain lake with the clouds coming in.

The process rejects the first thoughts of description and goes with an alternative to the first thought and sometimes also rejecting the second idea in favor of a new idea.


  1. "The carmine skiff sat above the calmly reflected sky as though its occupants
    might soon return to drift downward again."

    Nice Line Young Man!
