Tuesday, September 13, 2011

2-Lines from @TheStrangerPage on Twitter

Silly old Charlie was a kitty cat
He sat on the bus waving a big black bat
The obese driver shouted, “Don’t forget to floss!”
Charlie pissed on the seat reserved for the boss

He strutted on an Express with a big black bat
Gagged a tall Pabst can down before he sat
Charlie pissed in the seat reserved for the boss
Silly old Charlie forgot to floss

He ate smelly caned smelt before he sat
Fell asleep with his feet planted on a floor mat
Silly old Charlie cracked his mouth open to floss
left a rotted fish between his teeth from a tooth he lost

He fell asleep with one foot on a floor mat
Big Bob said, “Don’t forget to floss!”
With black between his teeth from a tooth he lost
Silly old Charlie was a bad kitty cat

On August 29, 2011, a twitter stranger from LA submitted these two lines: "Silly old Charley was a kitty cat & Don’t forget to floss," requesting potted meat. To check out his website go to www.TheStrangerPage.com. He has a lot of fun pages like "Face Cards" and "MEAT Clown."

You too can do this by going to my static page "2 Lines" and challenge me to create a disasterpiece for you.



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