Sunday, June 10, 2012

[A] Phantom [Disaster] of the Pantoum

BRUCE: Living on the edge it's almost real
BRUCE: you can depend on me
BRUCE: In impossible situations
BRUCE: I'm lying with my head on the phone

TOGETHER: You can depend on me
BILL: to replenish the blood supply.
TOGETHER: I'm lying with my head on the phone
BILL: talking to the suppliers in Russian.

TOGETHER: To replenish the blood supply,
BRUCE: you must open the carotid, while
TOGETHER: talking to the suppliers in Russian.
BRUCE: This is how we save the workers!

TOGETHER: You must open the carotid, while
BILL: you hold the victim firmly in your arms
TOGETHER: this is how we save the workers!
BILL: I dropped my dictionary in the drink.

TOGETHER: You hold the victim firmly in your arms
BRUCE: As you breathe for them
TOGETHER: I dropped my dictionary in the drink
BRUCE: As I Fumbled for keys on a bitter Moscow night

TOGETHER: As you breathe for them
BILL: Pay yourself with money from their wallet
TOGETHER: As I Fumbled for keys on a bitter Moscow night
BILL: A black market agent gave my cigarette a light

TOGETHER: Pay yourself with money from their wallet,
BRUCE: I remembered too late the caviar.
TOGETHER: A black market agent gave my cigarette a light.
BRUCE: We talked about the merits of Swedish vodka.

TOGETHER: I remembered too late the caviar.
BILL: I cut my thumb on the jagged edge of the can
TOGETHER: We talked about the merits of Swedish vodka
BILL: Smoking a fat Cuban into the Russian night

TOGETHER: I cut my thumb on the jagged edge of the can
BRUCE: A pickled lutefisk swam into the warm Gulf
TOGETHER: Smoking a fat Cuban into the Russian night
BRUCE: The sun rose red on the horizon.

TOGETHER: A pickled lutefisk swam into the warm Gulf
BILL: At home in the briny sea.
TOGETHER: The sun rose red on the horizon,
BILL: Eclipsing an empire of night.

---Composed duet style by Bruce V. Bracken & William James early in 2011 for a duet slam.

    And that's right we used song lyrics as prompt lines. And I believe this was my very first
    pantoum. If it wasn't for Bruce, I would never have gotten involved with form poetry.

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