Monday, June 4, 2012

Guest Writer: – Brian S. Hart shares "The Mural”

Chapter 5 The Mural by Brian S Hart



[Excerpt (“Chapter 5 The Mural”) from The Diamond Kings of Clarence Checkeredfish.


Note: at this point in the story, Shays’ Rebellion, the great agrarian uprising of 1787, is


underway, taking place in one of the largest snowstorms in Western Massachusetts


history. The images are modern or post-rebellion because the rebellion is only a back-


drop to a second event that takes place in 1986 along the same city streets.


One of the phrases is a clue to a word puzzle that resolves later in the novel.]





Chapter 5 The Mural


|snow * WHAT IS BORN HERE * anonymous! * on the * library * wall! * (sh)ade * o’


gray * sleepy * fi(sh) * community! * artwork * on * star! * board * side * bandage *


goes ’round * wound! * is * fix! * care! * to! * for! * build pride! * Mexican, Caribbean,


Ecuadorian etc. * express * (sh)ip! * sail away! * child land! * of night time *


opportunity! * to go * straight * up! * in * dream * smoke! * van…i…* (sh)! * pull * out


* from harbor-garden! * weed! * no! * better! * idea! * tr…. * …ans… * …re… * …e…


* …f… * …e… * …w… * …er! * cal… * ..l… * o! * us! * t… * …h… * …er… *


…r… * …ing * …if… * …ic… * …y * skates * (Sh)orty Gates * practice * hours, more


responsibility! * suspicious! * growth! * (who did it?) * young * Sugar Mountain * pro *


bono * gang! * say * Copenhagen * come to * U.S. * undeniable! * femme de la mur! *


mur… * mur! * …der… * …anger… * sym… * …boli… * C…om… * …ptom… *


effect * precedes * cause * o… * …f… * …r … * …a… * …s… * …cism * no! *


denying! * either is or isn’t! * can’t! * use wave relation(sh)ips to demonstrate particle


substance! * no! * way out! * study, hard work, learn * that! * quantum mechanics * (be


* as it may * will * J-LO HONEY date Unc’ MOrK * at NOON? * O! * The * N * Times


* N * poet-prince?) * val… * …g… * …iant * ….Ben… * edictorian * Einstein * reports


* graffiti * suspect * otherwise * appears to be * male! * brillo! * trad. * clothes * line *


purple! * beautiful! * street! * art thou! * a little * like! * Clarence Checkeredfi(sh), Jr. *


r… * …e… * …a… * …d… * …uc * …n… * …e… * …a… * …r… * …di… * …tion


* sudden! * romance! * major * cru(sh)! * on! * next * languages * C- * op * ed * o’


Clarence “Chuck” Checkeredfi(sh) XVI * present * flower child * daisies! * of green! *


thorn * grass * ivy * paint * fair! * heroine! * patch over * witch! * story! * about * to


climax * light at! * end of! * ha(sh) * out * complicated * “…home” * work * details *


((23) “Drug sold with nothing gone crazy!” (3 1 wd. 144 8 82))! * (who did it?) * oral


* history! * “That’s not what I saw!” * could it be * A Pirate * B+! * lived back! * in


days of! * King Philip! * “That’s what I heard!” * royal * magic * lieu of * diamond! *


give * semen * jacket! * country * farma’ Charlie Plume * get th’ thought t’ *




…t…i…ng! * Miss Philippines * take * 2 * great * Egyptian Queens * her’, then ther’ *


Balaenoptera musculus * out-of-breath * Man * sounds * l’il bell * note * f’r * another *


Earth! * wait a * second! * no, there isn’t! * where then? * HAHA! * “Guess What!” * “I


Don’t Care!” * A & C * for * (sh)ort! * for * prince at * royal * tower * above * at *


…l… * a… * …sss… * …t… * …ooo… * …w… * …e… * …d * lay * away * seeds o’


* Williams * (sh)ake * spor… * …e… * …ad… * …d… * …ic… * …t * col…leg…e! *


all * hands * t’ battle * station * SYY! * 2 * M.P.H. * winds * flu(sh) * against face *


speedin’ * ON * towards! * free * way * No. 6 * la! * …v… * …end… * …w… *


….h… * is * …p… * …er * …i… * wild! * edible! * (sh)…! * dinosaur * minmi * in *


darin’ * bride! * dress! * in… * …g… * …rooom! * tender! * knows! * to! * refill! *


repleni(sh) * lost * wonder! * Deuce of Hearts * full! * of joy-liberty * ringing! * joke *


case! * joint * …o’ the jitters * in and out! * tell the preacher! * Martin –––––– ––––,


Martin –––––– ––––, Martin –––––– ––––! * “Baptize the faithful!” * <“Every teacher


has a teacher,” Shorty Gates had said to the young girl. Shorty then opened up a book


from the library about The Local Group. She began thumbing through the pages and


showing the young girl beautiful photographs of galaxies all around the Milky Way.> are


we absolutely sure * that * new * Constitution’s * all * it’s cracked up to be! * Coltrane,


Davis…! * save * best for last! * play * “…if I were a bell…” * summa cum laude! *


yes! * tout de suite! * oui! * salut! * …at… * …or… * …i… * …g… * …e… * …a… *


…n * bow! * incredible! * in! * F * hunt for * cart * x, y * founder * in! * new! *


…L.I…. * tho! * …graph… * Y * Orleans * sound * Yorktown! * Phil * Quaker *


meeting * eighty-seven * requirements for * bet a * K, Q, J! * Sandip Burman, Joy Harjo,


Robert Mirabal * ON THE CARD * Wall St. * house o’ Don Jose Leandro Perea! * wa


* …s… * …te… * …r * away * is our neighbor… * hood * coming * down * by *


canteen * mind * Ghana drums * of dream-river * beautiful paint mixtures * dissolve *


heavy * forgiveness * when * and how! * railroad * built! * cycle * of * please, no more


* violence * does one * 68 * soldier * honor * gift! * Cesar Chavez * come forth! * from


* pirate * …o’-pearl * ’oyster up! * stern! * cool! * green! * luck o’ the * Iri(sh) * sea! *


dreams! * to * be… * …hold * the eye-cloud! * Squirrel Hill * engrave * sign * encircle


* sample * AND * Paul Enciso chooses Sunrise Eagle! * what a pick! * pupil! * free! *


angel… * …a… * …b… * …solve… * …be… * …y… * …on… * …d * river * dust *


April 14 * newspaper art * well-versed * in * Psyche knot! * Is-Only-Tears-Falling! *


like Hay-ron’-ee-mo! * spinosaur * rains * down * …truth, justice, etc…. * was it *


same! * snaky * (who did it?) * Asia * risk-taker * formula * like * Zen * a bit o’ *


beyond * James’ * belief! * bond! * work within * system * style * bit * transparent *


inside! * ace of clubs and ace of hearts * story line * headline news! * past * time! *


bridge * game * on board * (sh)! * “It Happens!” * declare:



     dent L                                                      United States


   shot by an                                                       exc


     Assassin                                                       reason


Deed done                                                       alike


 Theatre                                                   ironically credits


Act of                                                       peculiar wisdom


  Pres                                                  inauguration


     Last                                                    gazette


       Entertain                                               Navy


     recovery.                                               must be confessed


      Attempted                                                  Queenstown


no news of importance                                         Secretary Seward


     sorrow                                               if Richmond


[Official]                                                   falls and Lee


War Department                                      occupied scarcely a minute


  1:30 A.M.                                           strongest of the act


Maj. Gen.                                           wholly unprepared


  about 9:30 P.M                                        cried “sic sempre      


Seward appears while sitting                             immense crowd    


same hour – 10 o’clock  made                            Mrs. Harris 


           deeply anxious preconcerted plan     moment as


               assas-                             wound is not dangerous


            entered the box               but may prove so


                     in a state plan to recent injuries. The two


            leaped upon the stage totally insensible, evidence of the guilt of


                 wound is mortal too sad for description



read-stream * tiny * boat! * left! * Euphrates * barbs * wire * ’round * Jack of Hearts *


lovers * year * obviously * one * who * knows! * technique! * to stamp! * can’t! * fig


* …ure! * o! * on * out * why * debate! * war… * …den * might! * but pen! * mightier!


* than * sore! * local * steel * Union * news * North & South * 2 * America’s * loose *


canon * (who did it) * ends * Lincoln’s * life! * inta’ * national * tragedy! * say *


“Lord…” * please, bless the * children * of the world * we now live * in * computer *


age * quickly! * things more complicated now * maybe * future really is * Vulcan IDIC


* medallion * even that! * can’t * rescue * Sargon * seek out! * galaxy * o’ * sort o’ *


pinwheel * species * between stars * great! * spy! * name Milk! * caught! * victory! *


lap… * …s…. * …p… * … * …ac… * …e! * 10 of Spades * drawn * by Newton * in


the picture! * apple! * smack! * Ace of Spades * falls on! * Ludwig! * fortunate injury


not grave! * HAHA! * jittery * hand * ends! * where! * begins * in * garden of * web! *


…er, gravity of situation! * Whatever it is, it * waves * with a * force to reckon with! *


Universe expands * despite being * TOTALLY AGAINST IT! * Now * they tell us *


we’re moving even speedier than before! * Big Bang * “…I’m…” * talkin’ * Sirius *


about the “Egg” Star! * rum/or/coke * begets rum/or/coke! * and by the way, did anyone


* say! * Beethoven! * HAHAHAHA! * Brahms mighta’ or Bartok * Richard Feynman *


in the game, too * “…didn’t think it was possible to beat the…!” * did ya’! * HA! *


…but with deuces ’n’ one-eyed jacks * wild * the Captain spreads his hand * WOW, 5


Aces! * wins the pot! * HOHOHOHOHO! * even Mrs. Winchester, astounded, counts,


“Ace/Ace/Ace/Ace/Ace!” * test * get a hundred * particle neutrinos * “…miles away


from…” * ROMERO LOPEZ CRAIG GRIEGO KNIFEWING  * wata’ way! * to


celebrate diversity! * of * what’s to come * AN EVENING OF BEAUTIFUL




drum roll! * nothing! * like! * it! * tell us * Mr. Checkeredfi(sh) * who will it be *


tonight * playing armonica! * could it be * Rigel of Sagittarius! * HAHA * ask


BINIBINING MAYUMI * wit…h… * …ch… * …arms * race * on top! * of * wom… *


…b… * …an * real * world * mural * get * ready * war will someday be over * snow|




Excerpt, “Chapter 5 The Mural”, from The Diamond Kings of Clarence Checkeredfish5 – Brian S. Hart                                                                               


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