The Way To Enlightenment
“You cannot practice your enlightenment...
it simply is... it overflows you.”
These words by Osho seemed to sum up
my current writings of a Magickal Education.
I have been working on a book, my fourth
about a School of Magick that was not
Roke or Hogwarts or Brakebills,
but was its own entity with its own rules.
A question was asked there:
What skill or superpower do you dream
of knowing or possessing? It was the purpose
of the School to help the students discover
and develop these goals or attributes.
What precious artifacts were to be found
within each person? What knowledge was
to be shared to be the Bodhisatva to another?
How best to learn the things which cannot be taught?
It was like St. Elmos Fire that collected at the masts of ships
or the Fata Morgana (marsh gas)
of enlightenment dedicated to Hermes
(God of Magick) that each student hoped
would strike them with its divine inspiration.
---by Purple Mark, 10/08/2011
William James & Purple Mark's Prompts:
- Question: What skill/super power do you dream of knowing/possessing?
- Quote2: "You cannot practice your simply overflows you," P.T. Mistlberger. Osho from ‘The Three Dangerous Magi’. (Osho Books, 2010)
- Random Word: A Precious Artifact
- Other Idea: St. Elmos Fire from Barbara Walker’s ‘The Woman’s Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets’
Also check out my new wordpress website. It's a literary journal called Randomly Accessed Poetics! Submissions are open. I will be publishing literary works, explicit language pieces, and eventually a journal a relative wrote in the late 1800's detailing their journey to Oregon on the Oregon Trail. And when I gather enough submitted works from other people, I will be cobbling together an e-anthology called Randomly Accessed Poetics.
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