Monday, October 3, 2011

Write At The Park by Purple Mark: October Thoughts


October Thoughts

“Greetings from Nineveh!”
a distant voice rang out of the drizzle.
it was a gray morning, the first of october.
The indian summer had ended last week
and I was sorry to see its warmth leave.

The summer had been full of ups and downs
because good things happen. Sometimes
they happen for no particular reason,
the way the bad things so often seem
to happen & those things happened too.

I had gotten in some acting experiences
playing a madman & a ‘V for vendetta-ish jester
and I had secured my seasonal job,
but to balance out the good things
my kidney stones had returned as knifings
and the deep pool of depression was ever near.

It seemed that my life was constantly hanging
in the balance & it was hard to rustle up
any enthusiasm to get through this period
which was being termed the great recession
or maybe the death of the american empire.

October was always an introspective month
for me, as it’s completion was my year’s end
according to the calendar that I followed.
It was a time for the dying and the dead
because after this, there was Brian’s service:
it made my end seem that much nearer.

by Purple Mark 10/01/2011


Prompts Used                                                     

  1. "Greetings from Nineveh" Collected Sonnets of Edna (St, vincent Millay), pg. 163
  2. "Good things happen. Sometimes they happen for no particular reason, the way bad things so often seem to happen" The Steep Approach To Garbadale (Iain Banks), pg. 132.
  3. "Rustle-up" from "The Thesaurus Of American Slang."
  4. "The souls of the dead rise up to the lids of their coffins''" by William James, 10/1/2011.

Also check out my new wordpress website. It's a literary journal called Randomly Accessed Poetics! Submissions are open. I will be publishing literary works, explicit language pieces, and eventually a journal a relative wrote in the late 1800's detailing their journey to Oregon on the Oregon Trail. And when I gather enough submitted works from other people, I will be cobbling together an e-anthology called Randomly Accessed Poetics.

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