Wednesday, July 20, 2011

2 Lines Gives Kirk In Vantuky A Triolet


Look what I found? Another dripping mushy diaper
this is your daily christmas surprise
and I’m the designated wiper

Look what I found; another dripping mushy diaper
a smell hits your nose like a viper
after you change a hundred it’s like you’ve been baptized

Look what I found? Another dripping mushy diaper
this is your daily christmas surprise

Alright Kirk, I hope this triolet describes your new job as an embedded code cleaner.

Here's all the information I know on Kirk. Kirk is from Vantuky Oregon. I think it is north of Riddle and Myrtle Creek and Round Prairie and Oaks on the Pacific Hwy and a few miles south of Roseburg. Vantuky can't be found on Oregonian google maps, but my grandfather assured me it was there. In the 1920's he did a surveyor job there for Dick & Jack's Timber. Kirk also left this as his URL.

You too can do this by going to my static page "2 Lines" and challenge me to create a disasterpiece for you.



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