Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Live Jo Scrabble Boner Punns

On Saturday October 16, 2010, Ahmed and Bill convened for another scrabble battle to the end of the tiles in the velvet bag. Victoria from the very first match was going to come, but she decided that sleeping in was far more fun. "A fun in the bun is a dilatant pun," said the cat in the hat jumping off the page into the shade from the sun of the bum.

Again Bill lost to Ahmed’s cunning word play. Bill didn’t play smart instead he played interesting words like “boner, tao, zone, moves, roost, and flaw.” Often his plays opened the board up for two and three letter words that scored massively high points. Bill played for the poetry and Ahmed played for the win. The final score was 322 to Bill’s measly 257.

After which, they furiously scribbled for five minutes to compose two live jo scrabble boner puns out of these words pictured on the gridling playing field below.

The words played in order of their placement were: gum, punn (defined as to hit, strike, or punch), zone, zoned, dee, page, am, yell, ey, boners, map, za, op, bo, tao, ad, do, boo, flaw, book, key, er, yo, roost, win, hut, wind, did, quad, rise, eh, fir, deer, fir, move, cove, moves, rush, cat, ra, it, rant, jo/jo, axe, at, vex, live, wine, we, gel, el, li, tint.

Bill’s Brilliant Bone-idle Poem:

Page gummed another pun
Gel li boat

“Yo Cat,” Page said,
“We vex, the tint of how za-boner moves.”

Jo moves too
Ranting winds rush
a quad sun rise
a quad wine hut
a quad axe did
a quad live boo's

Page read this book once said Jo
about the Tao of Roost where
Cat zoned the map
in a hut about a flaw at the cove
a fir rises, a deer, a key, a do
Za Boner yells,
“Li el er op you ey”
A gum zone punn
ad the Tao of Roost

Ahmed’s Live Jo Poem

jo live
live jo, roost win
rise jo
live wind rise wind
gel jo tint
gel jo
rise jo boners roost
wind jo wine jo rise

we fir deer
we move quad we
move li dee li
move jo cove jo roost
tao moves coves jo
hut rise roost jo
rush jo wind axe dee
ey yo jo roost
er fir boner jo
roost jo live
boo bo flaw ra jo
bo boo jo
rant, jo rise
do jo
gel jo, quad
wine tint wine yell
rant jo rise jo roost yell

we did do
we did li
we did rise
we did ro
we did live
we did wine
we did rise
we did roost
we did roost
we did yo
we did
win jo, live

vex not axe not ad not
punn not flaw not rise
move boats move maps move roosts
deer jo
deer jo

The wait staff was very prompt in filling our mugs with jo

Here are the words again in case you want to try a poem

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