The amount of money involved
is obscenely large
Technology is abusive.
Humans need moral compromise
to construct more violent technology.
People before the Bronze Age
held unspoken guidelines against
taking metals from mother earth.
Taboo kept us close to her breast.
This computer,
is made by peoples who are
violently oppressed
by the very regimes regarded favorably by
the United States government.
Am I any less than that of a
sex predator—
or John Lennon
posthumously endorsing
the enterprise
that made this technology
—in using this machine?
I rationalize the horror away.
Where should I get new glasses?
An underlined arrangement of phrases & ideas.Source: City Arts, Seattle, April 2011, Page 22.
Must look very hard to make this a love poem, must look very hard to make this a love poem, must look very hard to make this a love poem,
Keep a writin'
The love theme is expressed through the absence of (universal) love that exists in our world and how people conduct business.