Tuesday, February 26, 2013

LoPoWriMo #26

Masculinity in America is a Health Crisis

I was worried people would find this vid of me
I ate an entire can of beets last night
How does one prove they are straight

Did you see the museum of my hair
I don't always run around the house naked
I was worried people would find this vid of me

Someone is always watching when your pants are down
I went number two, the bowl was a beautiful deep pink
How does one prove they are straight

I've never seen a face like that
you can feel a breeze and hear a sound
I was worried people would find this vid of me

I'm a bit suprized this bothered you
I don't know if it was on purpose or not
How does one prove they are straight

I have noticed that I poo, pee, and dream by myself
Life sometimes gets in the way
I was worried people would find this vid of me
How does one prove they are straight

This experimental Villanelle is a line weave. Some of the lines were taken from facebook posts and comments other lines were taken from a video I was watching called "The Problem of Heterosexuality in a Homophobic Society."

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