
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Here's A Poem Red Pen (my critique group) Never Liked


Wall of Stone

I kneel at the Wailing Wall
Shrouded by Solomon’s splendor
Memories tear down out ancient stone

A woman pulls buckets of dust from a well
A vulture in an olive tree feasts on Judah’s flesh
A Centurion casts lots for a Yeshua’s cloak

Zion’s boon gives way to Mars’s bane
Priests of the Law surrender to the blade
Engines of war crawl towards Megiddo

A Zealot’s grief empties into the Dead Sea
“Never Again!” echoes through Masada’s ruins
The final child howls from tombs hewn of pain

I subsist on the ledge of the Wailing Wall
Solomon’s splendor welcomes with a specter’s love
The last Roman spear falls from the sky



Also check out my new wordpress website. It's a literary journal called Randomly Accessed Poetics! Submissions are open. I will be publishing literary works, explicit language pieces, and eventually a journal a relative wrote in the late 1800's detailing their journey to Oregon on the Oregon Trail. And when I gather enough submitted works from other people, I will be cobbling together an e-anthology called Randomly Accessed Poetics.

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