Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Reblogged RAPoetics Post -- Heaven’s Mockery

Heaven's Mockery; O Star... by Canaan Massie

How you mock me.
Away from earthly oppressions.
Safe, is thee,
Hung home in heaven.

I envy your distance,

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Canaan Massie is an eighteen year old who desires to make writing a lifetime vocation. For Canaan, writing is a spiritual experience. The very act of drawing the pen down the page is an encounter with the unseen other.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Reblogged RAPoetics Post -- Ruined

Ruined… by Jeffrey Williams

its a game of winner takes all
only the clear winner is greed
the desire to want for little sacrifice
the need to have without earning
no its not the only way

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Jeffrey has been writing since 1996. He was stuck indoors one hot summer day with the heat index so high the mayor of his city requested everyone remain inside. He was bored, watched the Golden Girls and so it began.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Reblogged RAPoetics Post -- Last Weekend

Last Weekend… by Jack Haines

        “Bruno, are the lights supposed to dim when I push the ‘shift’ key?”
        “It’s okay Boss, I fix later.”
        “Bruno always called me Boss even though we never worked together, he was just my neighbor but had a knack for electrical things or things that made noise or seemed broken. He used to live in one of the Eastern Bloc nations where he claimed to be some kind of engineer before he came to America. Come to think about it, everyone I ever met from that region claimed to be an engineer in the “Old Country”. I don’t think that word translates the same as they think it does.
        “If it starts to smoke again, use this, Boss.” He handed me a spray bottle that resembled the one on my barbecue.
        “Maybe, I’ll just call my nephew; he’s a computer guy for Target.”
        “It’s okay Boss, I used to be computer engineer in Old Country. You should see my computer, it purrs like a kitchen.”

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Reblogged RAPoetics Poet -- At The Asylum

At The Asylum… by William Wright Harris

shadows   in green
red        &        blue
arched            door
ways  emptying  in
to               nothing

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I wake up for poetry. My poetry has appeared in twelve countries in such publications as The Cannon’s Mouth, Poetry Salzburg Review, Ascent Aspirations, generations and Write On!!! A graduate from the University of Tennessee- Knoxville, I have studied poetry in workshop settings. As a hobby, I collect places I have been published.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Check Out RAPoetics First Three Issues


Issue 3, Sifting Through Raw Words RAPoetics Issue 3, Sifting Through Raw Words, contains compositions by: C. Albert, Daniel Beaudoin, Mike Berger, Tim W. Boiteau, Matthew Casey, Allie Coker-Schwimmer, Tim Cole, Morgan Collado, Linda M. Crate, Holly Day, Alex Damov, Nate Depke, Colin Dodds, Doug Draime, Jason Constantine Ford, Elizabeth Fountain, Paige Edenfield, Jack Haines, Matthew P. Haubert, A.J. Huffman, John Kaniecki, Derrick Keeton, Craig Kurtz, Mirri Lane, Dion Loubser, Magen Mackay, Suvi Mahonen, David McLean, Susan P. McNally, Jesse Minkert, Giorgio Montanari, Frederick Pollack, Sy Roth, April Salzano, M. A. Schaffner, Samantha Seto, Imani Sims, Kurt Studenroth, D.C. la Terre, Emily Thomas, Veronica Valeanu, Jeffrey Williams, and Changming Yuan.
RAPoetics, Issue 2, 12/21/2012 RAPoetics Issue 2, Paint Darkness Into Day, contains compositions by Kyrsten Bean (photo art & poetry), Mike Berger, Bud R. Berkich, Carla Blaschka, Matthew Brouwer, Kelvin Bueckert, Colin W. Campbell, Valentina Cano, Kanchan Chatterjee, Morgan Collado, Virginie Colline, Don Comfort, Alexander Dang, J.D. DeHart, Sarah Edwards (photo art), Neil Ellman, Kirk Erickson, Denise Falcone, John Grey, Carly Grove, Jack Haines, Dawnell Harrison, Kyle Hemmings, William James (Collage), Duane Kirby Jensen, Eli J. Joula, Keith Kennedy, Kenneth Kesner, Rusty Kjarvik, Craig Kurtz, Scott Laudati, Lianne Juliet Lester (Comic Illustration), Kim Logue (Collage & Poetry), Dion Loubser, Carrie Malarkey (photo art & poetry), Peter Marra, George Marrow, Savamma Maue, Joan McNerney, Sharon Meixsell, Laura Minning, Arian Moharari, Afzal Moolla, Ben Nardolilli, B.Z. Niditch, Stanley Morris Noah, Timothy Ogen, Heather Parker (photo art), Frederick Pollack, Kaleem Raja, Nathaniel S. Rounds, Fabio Sassi (photo art), Andrew J. Stone, Emily Strauss, D.C. la Terre, Shawnell Tolliver, K.C. Wilder, Purple Mark, Changming Yuan
RAP Issue 1 (Edit 4) RAPoetics Issue 1, Texture of Words, contains compositions by Gale Acuff, C. Albert, April Avalon, Patricia Babbitt, Shannon Barber, Eleanor Bennett, Philip V Bernier-Smith, Carla Blaschka, Bruce V Bracken, Randi Carlton, Sweet Cheeks, Louie Crew, Larry Crist, Aaron Dietz, Neil Ellman, Denise Falcone, Robert Lee Frazier, George Freek, Elizabeth Fountain, Margaret Elysia Garcia, Howie Good, Juleigh Howard-Hobson, William James, Terence Kuch, Duane Locke, Jan Marquart, Tera McIntosh, Joan McNerney, A.R. Minhas, Michael Neal Morris, B.Z. Niditch, Dan Nielsen, Felino A Soriano, Guy Swanson, Jessica Tyner, Thomas Zimmerman.