Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Reblogged Political Science Essay by (my friend) Ahmed R. Teleb

The Mid-eastern Roots of Western Democracy

It was not the rediscovery of Greek thought that brought equality, human rights and democracy to Modern Europe, but the re-thinking of Monotheistic ideas that leveled both civil and religious hierarchy and made thinking democracy possible. Europe’s debt is to a North African-Iberian Jew, exiled in Holland, by the name of Baruch Spinoza.

People often ask, “Why have Arab Revolutions not produced stable democracies?” The “experts” ready to answer proliferate. But their answers seem stale, contradictory or even jingoistic. “They haven’t had the Reformation. The Enlightenment has not come to the Middle East. They need to separate church and state!” Or worse yet, “Islam is incompatible with democracy.”

Leaving aside how answers like the above are anachronistic or Western-centric, this non-expert article suggests another possibility, that there is a more basic, albeit philosophical prerequisite of democracy, humility. It not only deepened the Reformation and helped set the stage for Enlightenment thought, but perhaps made peaceful life under a democratic regime at all possible. First, the reasons why the cliched accounts above explain little about democracy.

Not Reformation Not Separation Not Enlightenment
"Religions are no longer identified with charity, but with spreading discord…under the name of zeal for the Lord."
---Spinoza, Theologico-political Treatise

To read the rest click here.

Monday, May 27, 2013

A Reblogged Political Science Post by Ahmed R Teleb

Equality & Political Ecology: From Spinoza to Politdoche

Feeling and ideas are renewed, the heart expands, the human spirit develops only through the reciprocal action of human beings on one another.
---Alexis de Tocqueville

Referring to the prevalence of voluntary associations in America 180 years ago, de Tocqueville expressed the core of politdoche.

In a previous article here and on Daft Blogger, I considered how this new ideal of political organization based on a novel (hologramic) approach to representation, could overcome the problems pointed out by Hanna Pitkin and could readapt Rousseau’s mythical general will in a way that government could not. This third installment in the politdoche series explores how this new ideal stems from a view of equality at the root of the Enlightenment and the American and French revolutions. First, some points about the “social contract.”

The “social contract” and the social nature of law we owe not to Rousseau but to Hobbes. Hobbes was the first to point out that law and the political order are products of society, that only exist once human beings enter communal living. We each give up what we otherwise could do in exchange for similar waivers from others coupled with a promise from a political organization to enforce this contract. We can waive any “natural right” in so far as others reciprocate, except one: that of self-preservation.

Simplifying Hobbes to the inane expression “man is to man a wolf” says less about him than about the one doing the simplifying, especially since the same author advises “that every man ought to endeavor peace.” Reducing a great (or lesser) thinker to such banalities does less harm to the philosopher’s reputation than it does to the reader’s imagination.

Hobbes wrote less about the “nature of man” than about the nature of law and political organization. In entering society, “man” gives up many of his powers and submits to society’s will. TO READ THE REST CLICK HERE...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Reblogged RAPoetics Post -- Hidden In Plain View

Hidden In Plain View... by Carla Blaschka

       ‘Killer’s Kid Finds Foot.’ I could just imagine the headlines if someone found out, it would be a great story, but I had a responsibility I couldn’t shirk. I felt bad for messing up his uniform, but words weren’t working, so I had to try a visual.
       It was a lovely, sunny day; the sky’s blue almost white this early in the morning and the few clouds went on their way, late for a date with yesterday’s storm. I was standing before the reception desk at the Port Angeles’ Police Station and the young man in a very crisp uniform stared at me. There wasn’t that much to stare at. I was about five nine, and a little jiggly here and there, but mainly in the right places. My hazel eyes stared back out of a face lightly freckled with the sun and I tried again.
       “I have a foot in my bag,” I said. I was getting a little bit annoyed. I had come to the seaside town to enjoy the beach and I didn’t want to spend all my time at the police department.
        “I have a foot in my bag,” I said for the third time. This time I put the emphases on foot and said it just a little louder in case it would help him to understand. At least this time I got a reaction. He glanced over the counter at my feet. So what could I do? I heaved a sigh and the bag to the counter. I opened it so he could see inside and said once more, “I’ve got a foot in my bag.”

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Reblogged RAPoetics Post -- Romantic Songs

Romantic Songs by Denise Falcone

Amy and I met in front of the hotel where we were both living at the time. We were young then. She was a music student and I had a neat little business selling cocaine. She looked so cute in her tight black pants while gazing at my Bugatti.

“Great car, huh?” she remarked when I nonchalantly moved to stand next to her.

“Would you like to have a ride?”

“This is your car?”

“Now?” I said.

I had a large white one bedroom that overlooked the cobblestoned square, where the intoxicating perfume from a row of old lindens drifted up on to my terrace. She had a faded closet-sized studio in the back, with a paint-chipped slanted ceiling. It had in it the smallest single bed and a piano. Books and stacks of music were piled in unruly columns on the chocolate-colored floor, and an image of Robert Redford cut from a magazine was taped to the wall.

We must have come off as idiots in our attempt to push our lust aside with ridiculous small talk about things neither one of us could have cared less about. Who were we trying to kid? She ended up being the bold one as she unzipped her fly and sauntered over to the window to pull down the shade.

Consummately enamored with Paris, she breathed her French as if she was trudging up a hill. She styled herself a gamine and let her mousy brown hair fall loose and long past her round shoulders.

She was a wild little monkey. Instead of retreating to the bathroom to take care of herself like other women I knew, she would insert her diaphragm while lying on the bed. On her back with the sheets kicked to the floor, she’d smile and wink at me while I waited...

To read the rest click here.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Reblogged RAPoetics Post -- A Simple Sex Plan

Sex Plan by Sweet Cheeks

I wanted to spice up our love life. No, really it is our sex life I am concerned about. It is the same each and every time. I want to make him hot for me again. I want to make us hot for each other again. When we first dated we couldn’t take our eyes or hands off of each other. We had sex in the car or in public places. I don’t know when we stopped being young and having fun. However, it’s time to craft a plan to bring back sexual fun and desire.

I set my plan in motion on a Friday morning. While Carlos was in the bathroom taking his shower I went over to his blazer and placed a note in the pocket. I also turned on his cell phone. He always had his cell phone off at work and never bothered to check it anymore.

Since Carlos was still in the shower and I was still nude and very horny I slipped into the bathroom quietly. Noticing he was washing his hair most likely with his eyes closed, I stepped into the tub and knelt down. It was so nice, his soft c__k lay in my mouth and I sucked it as the water poured down on me. He almost jumped when he felt my tongue on him.

Startled, he smiled and said, “How long has it been?”

As he became hard I replied with my mouth full of his c__k, “Too long.”

Soon I heard him groaning and yelling “Oh My God!” as he came in my mouth. We cleaned up, he got dressed for work and before he left he gave me a slow lingering kiss.

“Thank you for this morning, Alexandria. It has been far too long.” His smile was wide as he grabbed his keys off of the kitchen counter, opened the door and closed it behind him. Outside he sighed, then continued smiling all the way to work.

As Carlos sat in his second meeting of the day he sighed. He still had another meeting, when would today be over and when would the weekend begin. He placed a hand into his blazer pocket searching for something to take his mind away from these thoughts. He felt a piece of paper folded up. Hmmm… I didn’t put this here did I? He slid forward and to the side a bit as he took out the paper to read it.


Friday, May 17, 2013

A Reblogged Wordpress Post

Wake Up… by Aaron Dietz

Albert woke up.

He put coffee into the coffee maker. He put water in the coffee pot. He turned the coffeemaker on. He went to work.

Albert came home, ate a frozen dinner, watched TV, and then went to sleep.

Albert woke up.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

In Response To A Reoccurring Craigslist Want Ad

In Response To A Reoccurring Craigslist Want Ad

Dear Albany,

Happy Birthday. I am sorry that your date flaked on you. He must have got scared at the last minute. But I wanted to tell you that only you can make yourself happy. If you keep seeking happ>iness from without you will never find it. Happiness will be this elusive other like the perfect guy that you will never meet.

I know all about happiness from without or outside of oneself. And the key word to remember is without. Because that is what you will be without your entire life---happiness. Happiness can only be found from within. It is something that only you can decide to be. No one can make you happy. No matter how hard another would try to make you happy, you would or will always be unhappy. Because happiness is decision only an individual can make. It is kind of like a switch that you turn on or off.

I am not writing this letter because I want you. Yes, you are beautiful, but I am most likely too old and fat for you. Certainly, I do not meet your criteria of gym sculpted bulges and lines. I do have bulges and lines, but not in the places that define male sexiness. To a certain degree I am fit; I work my property and walk fifteen to twenty miles a week.

No, I am writing this letter in hopes that you will cease seeking happiness outside of your own soul or self. This is not a plea for you to get religion or to drink the new age pseudo pagan Kool Aid. I can tell from previous ads seeking happiness in the company of other’s, that you were burned by the religion of your parents. I am not saying that you shouldn’t seek other people either. All I am saying is this, there is no one out in the world who will make you feel complete (for long) or happy. If you are not happy with yourself—and this is something you have to decide for yourself—as you are in the here and now, you never will be.

Okay, I am stepping down from my soap box now. Have a nice life Albany. I hope you find what you seek.



Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Reblogged Wordpress Post

OnThe House... by Larry Crist

En route to the reading
I heard, then watched a woodpecker
It had a bright red head and striped wings
and tapped for me
I saw a pair of flower beds
big brass bed frames fencing in a garden
leaving no doubt as to the pun intended
I saw a pretty girl raking leaves, who said, HI.
A jogger girl, who nearly ran me over
An ambulance blaring its siren

going up Madison on the wrong side of the road
I entered the reading...
Click here to continue reading the narrative.

Click here to continue reading the narrative

Friday, May 10, 2013

Guest Author: Samuel Ortiz (Episode 7)



After 5 years of fighting, Africa surrendered a small army to Port USOA's faithful soldiers. They celebrated with some free food from Hot Italian, the country's food dealer. "WE WON BABY THANKS TO THE LOVE OF OUR COUNTRY FULL OF PEACE AND JUSTICE OF OUR FAITH WE ARE THE BEST WAR WINNERS WE BEAT EVERY ONE IN THE WORLD BABY OH MY GOD POP THE PEACE PIÑATA LETS BE FULL OF JJJJJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYY!!!"


By Samuel Ortiz. Edited by Ivanna Ortiz

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Sestina In Six Parts Plus An Envoy (Part 4)

A Sestina In Six Parts Plus An Envoy

How can I get Jack, the cat
into a smelly plastic box?
He needs to go to the vet.
Jack has worms from hunting wild birds.
And I know this because he vomits up long ribbons of grass.
He even eats more than does the dog.

Jack and Milo, the dog,
were kitten and pup together. In their play, you would see a cat’s
head inside a dog’s mouth out in newly mowed grass.
Jack was an unusual tabby; he was out of the box
different. His other four siblings were broken by killer bird.
They were mangled beyond repair of even the most skilled surgical vet.

Milo, my grandmother’s neighbor and friend, was a Vietnam Veteran.
The first job he got after the war was modeling edible underwear. Susie, grandma’s dog,
licked the thong off he modeled in the yard. During the practice a little Junko bird
swooped down from a juniper tree and carried it away. Later, Corky the cat
maimed the bird while hunting in the back yard. Milo gently placed the Junko in a box.
He nursed it back to health by feeding it seedy weed grass.

Milo also smoked a lot of weed grass
He got so stoned one time he thought he was a vet
He started to do surgery, like he did in the war, on the Junko in the box
The smell of carnage caught the attention of Susie, grandma’s dog
next door. The unfolding drama turned into a hay day for all the beasts including the cat
Unfortunately, things didn’t turn out favorably for Junko the bird.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

It is getting close to a year now.

L. J. Lindberg December 1, 1938 - June 24, 2012

It comes in frantic gulps of air
the realization
my father
is dead

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Sestina In Six Parts Plus An Envoy (Part 3)

A Sestina In Six Parts Plus An Envoy

How can I get Jack, the cat
into a box?
He needs to go to the vet.
He has been hunting a lot of wild birds
and now has a horrid case of worms
which explains why he vomits up long blades of grass.
He even eats more than does the dog.

Jack and Milo, the dog,
were children together. In their play, you would see a cat’s
head inside a dog’s mouth out in newly mowed grass.
Out of the womb Jack was out of the box
different. His other four siblings were eaten by a killer bird.
They were mangled beyond repair even by the most skilled vet.

Milo, my grandmother’s friend, was a Vietnam Vet
He got a job modeling edible underwear. Susie, grandma’s dog,
licked his underwear off. A little bird
swooped down from the sky and carried it away. Corky the cat
maimed the bird while hunting in the back year. Milo found it and put it in a box.
He nursed it back to health by feeding it seedy weed grass.

Monday, May 6, 2013

I Want To Spoon You Up And Noodle You....

Cindy, my long lost best friend, it's me Mandy. I have been looking for you for twelve years. I have tried everything (except hire a private eye to find you). I want to see you again. I am 5'4", 125 lbs, brunette, very cute, and drug and disease free. I hope you are still as hot as you were when we were in high school.

Remember, the first time you fooled around with me in my Volvo? Well, I still can't stop thinking about you. I am still inexperienced, but am very much curious to touch your body again.

I miss your tender touch. I long to touch you, and make slow, deliberate and passionate love to you for hours on end. I miss your kiss. I remember you kissing me in the back seat. We were at the rumble seat drive in. The movie was Shakespeare In Love. Your touch was deep, soulful, and expressive. And you were warm, wet, and never ending. I miss that misty way you looked at me when you left for the army. We were engaged in a long passionate embrace. Words weren't necessary when I looked into your big beautiful grey eyes. I felt as if I could see to the bottom depths of your soul with even the briefest of glances. And I felt that you could see into mine too. That you saw the real me.

Twelve years is too long to be parted from you. It has been a lifetime since we were wrapped naked around each other. I miss spooning and noodling you. And I am so looking forward to making you limp again. Please contact me Cindy, I love you. You are my reason for being.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Sestina In Six Parts Plus An Envoy (Part 2)

A Sestina In Six Parts Plus An Envoy

How can I get Jack, the cat
into a box?
He needs to go to the vet.
He has been hunting a lot of wild birds
and now has a horrid case of worms
which explains why he vomits up log blades of grass.
He even eats more than does the dog.

Jack and Milo, the dog,
were children together. In their play, you would see a cat’s
head inside a dog’s mouth out in newly mowed grass.
Out of the womb Jack was out of the box
different. His other four siblings were eaten by killer bird.
They were mangled beyond repair, even by the most skilled vet.

The Real Person Behind The Craigslist Girl 4 Girl Causal Sex Personal Ad

The Real Person Behind the Craigslist Girl 4 Girl Causal Sex Personal Ad

I am a girl seeking to touch and be touched by another girl. I am 5’5”. I have brown hair. I am DD free. I live sober. 420 is okay. I am a squirter. I am shaved. I don’t like to eat pubic hair. I like to lick between smooth kitty-lips. I have my own place. You can come here. You must come here. I have toys. I can put them in you. You can put them in me. I can squirt all over you. You can pee on me. I want you to fill my mouth. I want you to massage your piss into my boobies. I want to feel your waters cascade over my head and shoulders drenching my hair. I am real. I want you to degrade me. To be mean to me. To say nasty things. My father was mean to me. I want your firm womanliness to punish me. Please be older than me. I am 18.

Put your age and location in the subject line. I will not answer back without a face and a few body pictures. Serious replies only. No flakes or fakes. And please no spam.

*        *        *

But here is the real story. I am a man seeking pictures of local girls willing to go down on another. I use craigslist, because I am a pervert. And you are a sucker for indulging me.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Sestina In Six Parts Plus An Envoy (Part 1)

A Sestina In Six Parts Plus An Envoy

How can I get Jack, the cat
into a box?
He needs to go to the vet.
He has been hunting a lot of wild birds
and now has a horrid case of worms
which explains why he vomits up log blades of grass.
He even eats more than does the dog.

Now that the write challenge is over, I need something to do to keep me writing (almost) every day. It has been a while since I last wrote a sestina. Thus, I will start one now. I am going to meter it out over several days, because I have less free time this month than I did last month.

In case you've (and I am speaking to myself) forgotten what a Sestina looks like let's review the form now:
First Stanza 1-2-3-4-5-6
Second Stanza 6-1-5-2-4-3
Third Stanza 3-6-4-1-2-5
Fourth Stanza 5-3-2-6-1-4
Fifth Stanza 4-5-1-3-6-2
Sixth Stanza 2-4-6-5-3-1

First line of Envoi 2-5
Second line of Envoi 4-3
Third line of Envoi 6-1

Friday, May 3, 2013

Guest Author: Samuel Ortiz (Episode 6)



"Come on, work, work, work!! We don't want to lose the war, do we?" said Turbo 1 "NO!" everyone said. "WELL THEN WORK! COME ON! IN ONLY TEN MINETES AND THE WAR STARTS. GO OUT THERE AND FIGHT! FIERO! YOU GO AND HIDE IN YOUR STATION WITH DASANI (Dasani is a drink Turbo 1 and Fiero created. It bring the life back to the dead people.) PUT AWAY EVERY BUILDING (every building was designed and built so that when disaster strikes it would be easy to pile the buildings up and put them away.) AND HIDE THEM SO NOTHING GETS DAMAGED! HURRY UP! ILL START THE COUNTDOWN! 60 SECONDS LEFT FOR THE WAR TO BEGIN 59-58-57-56-55-54-53-52-51-50-49-48-47-46-45-44-43-42-41-40-39-38-37-36-35-34-33-32-31-30 SECONDS LEFT 29-28-27-26-25-24-23-22-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11- 10 SECONDS EVERYONE 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 W-W-W-W-A-A-A-A-R-R-R-R-R." The war was a bloody mess. everyone was crashing, dying, being thrown into the ocean, and soon there wasn't anyone left. Will Port USOA win?

---By Samuel Ortiz. Edited by Ivanna Ortiz