She sings without words
echoing into the minds of seafarers
who've wandered close enough to see
above white caps of surf
The siren song wails
Enchantment overwhelms sailors
who sailed too long alone at sea
They jump like sand fleas
eager to see the top of the dune
instead they are pulled under waves
by invisible feminine fingers
Broken and smashed they die
lying upon rocks of the maiden strumpet's pelvis
ecstatic smiles plastered
upon seafarer faces
Music from her soul
seeps out her pores
rhythms and rhymes
pass through and hammer into bone
The roar and crash and roar
has meter all of it own
Riding the wave
through the rolling whore
They feel her music seeping
passing from pore into pores
mingling in and animating droplets
weeping rain falls
ecstasy smiles upon faces
as their boats smash onto jagged rocks
dotting the siren wench's beach
--- March 4, 2001